Sleeping Well then all day goes well !!

With my own experience I have observed that, if I get good sleep then my day goes better. If I woke up against my wife with smiling then day goes even better. 🙂

I never had sleeping disorder but I either used to sleep a lot or very less. A lot means sleeping around 11hrs to 12hrs everyday and going bed very late. In later case; I used to go bed by 3-4am and woke up at 9-10am. These habits made be miserable person. In order to move myself, get outside for running and gym, I purchased Microsoft Health Band. Along with healthy attitude which made me much aware about my sleep pattern.

Why do we need good sleep

There are few motivation videos I heard on youtube that “He is so into it and he forgot to sleep. He didn’t sleep for 3 days”. That feels passionate but such type of habit is not good for health.

1> Improving mood of the day: I have experienced this very well. If I had very good sleep then my whole day goes awake. “Good” means, when I feel refresh after sleep followed by bath. This also helped me to perform good at work.

2> Healthy body:  Sleep helps brain to flush out toxins and repairing blood vessels. Research showed that it also help for healthy hormones. So, I feel energetic after good sleep and great poop.

3> Better memory: In order to convert short-term memory to long-term, brain needs some rest. During sleep time most of this work is done. I am very good at remembering names and person I meet. There is proverb; “Sleep on problem”; I experienced this many times. If I command brain or say few times (10) that ” I want to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow”, surprisingly, I will wake up at that time. EXACTLY!!! If I was thinking on any problem just before going bed, somehow, I get some clues after sleep.

4> scared of diabetes/heart attacks/memory loss: I have seen my aunt after heart attack operation and how she lives. I have seen 3 neighbours fighting with diabetes. Only deprived sleep is not the reason for these diseases but it helps to get those. This study has shown that, adult who has less sleep has less glucose tolerance.

What is my sleep habit

1> Eating dinner 2 hours before sleeping: This is really important because. I ended up with Acid Reflux due to my bad eating habits before sleep. I used to eat a lot and sleep immediately after that (~30-40 min). During this time, I used to wake up middle of the sleep and had omitting. It was bad time. But, I managed to control it by proper habit. Now a days, I am eating at least 2 hr before eating. This 2 hr are now helping to get enough saliva for digestion.

2> Exercise everyday: After sweating in the gym or running or playing outdoor games, at least 7.5 hr sleep is confirmed on that day!

3> Sex: After having sex, I always get good sleep. No reason to explain here.

4> Eating enough: Eating just enough where your stomach feels just right. This is helping me to get good sleep. More I eat, I never get good sleep and I ended up with more burping and my wife will get disappointed.

5> Reading: 2hr I am mostly using with my wife. We read and discuss our day.

6> Bed is for sleeping only: I never used sleeping bed for any activity than sleeping. I used to read on my bed but I am not doing it anymore. Actually, I am sleeping on floor as I am having some back pain. Back pain increases if I use some mattress. Even, I feel body pain in the morning if I use mattress.

so, making this good habit will help to achieve more from the life and enjoy without feeling sleepy 🙂

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