Eating and watching

Since last June (2014), I am watching Netflix everyday. I have addicted to it so badly. During dinner time, I am watching 2hr

movie or documentary.

While I am eating in front of TV/Monitor I am mostly

Eating more: One day I actually finished bag of Lays. I never understood or realized that I got full and need to stop now.. This happens more often and I developed habit of eating more. This is one of the reason that, I suffered with acid reflux!!!

Infections: When something interesting happens on TV, I take remote and increase volume. Also, at work, whenever I am eating at my desk, I touch keyboard, mouse, for some reasons. These are easy ways to get infected by bacteria.

Just eating: I know my wife makes good food for me. If I end up eating in front of TV/Monitor, i never enjoyed food. I never realized what I am eating, what is taste like, whether it is healthy or not. My whole attention is towards movie and climax. Feels like, brain shuts down sensory part of tongue while watching movie.

How I am now tackling this?

NO TV: while eating: I have made resolution “not to watch anything during lunch/dinner”

Eat together:  Eating together is fun.

Enjoy taste: Be aware of what I am eating. Enjoying taste slowly!! Also, eating slowly helps to secret more saliva and helps digestion.

After eating activities

Walk: Go for a 100 yards walk (10 min). It helps for digestion and feels fresh.

Fruit: Eating one fruit ( 10 min)

Clean: Brush tooth and massaging gums (10 min)

Relax: Reading book ( 2hr)

NO ELECTRONICS DEVICE (not even mobile)

I am following these since a week and I am feeling like eating and more relaxed !!

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